Risk Culture

Course Overview

This one day course will cover the concepts of risk culture and what it means for your organisation. You will also learn how to improve risk taking through the implementation of effective risk management techniques. Delivered through presentations, interactive workshops and group work, you will have plenty of opportunities to learn from the experiences of other delegates.

Who should take this course

  • Risk Practitioners.
  • Risk Managers.
  • Operations Managers.
  • Heads of Department.
  • Chief Risk and Finance Officers.
  • Chief Executive Officers.

Learn about

  • How significant risk culture and control are to organisations, and the different levels of risk culture.
  • The external and internal factors which can affect the risk culture of an organisation.
  • Reviewing and evaluating various approaches to monitoring risk culture, including the use of surveys and metrics.
  • Different regulatory approaches to risk culture, including HSE, financial services and financial reporting.
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Risk Management
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